When the Xu fits is

a space where I am delighted to share with you how my designs are a part of who I am. With a deeper dive into my journey as a self taught designer, I will also share with you all my unique proceeses and challenges.

I am so delighted for us to be learning more about how fashion progresses as we become more aligned within ourselves. Be divine.

Some words

Every single materialistic thing around you is just an idea brought into the physical world. Even technology was crafted by the same man who played with sticks of wood and created fire.

Ideas are born from light.
You are light. We are all beings of light. We run on light. We eat things that are made from light. We turn on lights. Light is all around us.

There is also light inside of you. The light that fights through every single hard day you have ever had, is the light that got you to where you are right now and where you will go tomorrow.

When you have a good idea you feel it. You feel it in your whole body as if it already exists in your hands and in your face. The confidence surges up through your stomach, coating your arms with a sweater of magic. It is truly euphoria.

Not every idea you may have will get the reaction you want. Once you accept that your ideas do not need the validation of others, you step into this sacred and powerful energy.

Do not ever give up. Sure there may be someone who you compare yourself to, but there is always going to be someone better at something than you are.

Find what makes the dark and forgotten parts of your heart light up and stick with it. Do not listen to anyone who makes you doubt yourself. You are the absolute only person who knows the ins and outs of your brilliant minds. You can be your biggest supporter or biggest enemy it is up to you.

Do more of what makes you happy so you can be more of you.